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If not here, then I'm somewhere elese.

If not here, then I 'm somewhere else.





Galeria Manuel Ojeda
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain 


"If not here, then I'm somewhere else"


I was looking at the view from the room. No one steps in there anymore. The only sight of long ago was there. I cut out the time from the picture, that was once alive there, and released it like a bird. Invisible memories are still staying there. Not being here is a proof of being somewhere else. Flying beyond time and space as the window was taken away. Even if the body was not there, the spirit never disappears. Breathing somewhere in this world.

In September of 2017, I was staying in Gran Canaria for my exhibition at the museum. For collecting materials, I visited the ruined site of San Martin Hospital. When I stepped in the room at the top floor, a fine view came into my sight. That was a view of the hill loved and painted by a young painter Jorge Oramas who died here in 1935. My body that came from somewhere on the earth, breathed the memories left in the place and stayed with me wherever I went next. And then I came back here like a migratory bird.

While moving to the next place one after another,  I sometimes experienced strange feelings of forgetting who I am when I awoke in the morning. My memories for being myself might also be the memories of someone else as well. Moving in time and space, meeting and leaving over and over again, I cut out memories from my sight and take them away with me. And then I came back here again to give them back to this island through my artworks.


Midori Mitamura

『ここにいなければ どこかにいる』








体はそこになくとも、心は消えることはない。 この世界のどこかに息づいている。



2017年の9月、滞在制作展のために私はスペインのグラン・カナリア島に居ました。ある日、材料を集めるためにサンマルティン病院の廃墟を訪れました。最上階の部屋の窓から見える見晴らしのよい景色は、この場所で1935年に若くして亡くなった画家・ホルヘ・オラマスが愛して描いた丘でした。 この地球上のどこかからここへやってきた私の肉体は、その場所に残された記憶を呼吸して他の場所へ持ち去り、渡り鳥のようにまたこの場所へやって来たのでした。


めまぐるしい移動の中、朝目覚めた時に、一瞬自分が何者なのかを忘れてしまうという、不思議な感覚が度々起こりました。私が私であるための記憶は、実は誰かの記憶でもあるのかもしれない。 出会っては離れる時間と空間の移動の繰り返しの中で、目の前にある景色を切り取るように持ち去った記憶を、一年が経った今、私は私の作品とともにこの場所に返しに来たのでしょう。 



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