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Till We Meet Again

I shall create, so we can meet.

また会うために、わたしはつくろう 2022

第14回 恵比寿映像祭2022 






《Till We Meet Again  また会うために、わたしはつくろう》2022


2013年の夏に、ウィーンとデュッセルドルフの展示でヨーロッパに滞在した際に、映像作品《Till We Meet Again》を制作した。

遠く離れた地で暮らす友人たちとの再会をテーマにした本作を起点に、「アッセンブリッジ・ナゴヤ2020」で制作したインスタレーション《Till We Meet Again また会うために、わたしはつくろう》では、名古屋港に永久停泊する南極観測船ふじの起工日が三田村自身の生まれた1964年8月28日だったことを知り、観測船の長い航海と、古(いにしへ)の母との時を超えた再会への想いを重ね合わせた記憶のイメージを旧・名古屋税関港寮の建物に、公開制作によるインスタレーションで浮かび上がらせた。



The 14th EBISU International Festival for Art and Alternative Visions 2022


Tokyo Photographic Museum 


"Till We Meet Again – I Shall Create, So We Can Meet " 2022


Till We Meet Again, a video themed on reuniting with friends that live at faraway places, was made during the artist’s stay in Europe for exhibitions in Vienna and Düsseldorf in the summer of 2013.

Based on this work, Mitamura created the installation Till We Meet Again – I Shall Create, So We Can Meet that was unveiled at “Assembridge Nagoya 2020” As part of her explorations of new visual representations of personal memories, she further reassembled the installation into the work that is presented here.

Inspired by this title, Mitamura created the installation "Till We Meet Again" for "Assemble Bridge Nagoya 2020," which based on the theme of reuniting with friends who live far away from each other. The groundbreaking date of the Antarctic Research Ship Fuji that has permanently berthed at the Nagoya Port, was the same day as Mitamura's own birthday, August 28, 1964. Overlapping the long voyage of the ship and the reunion with her mother who just passed away in that spring, Mitamura developed a new scenery of memory through the open studio installation in the building of the former Nagoya Customs Port Dormitory. Then those installations were reconstructed in the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in 2022.



提供:東京都写真美術館 撮影:井上佐由紀

Still from Exhibition, Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2022: AFTER THE SPECTACLE

Courtesy of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum Photo: INOUE Sayuki

第14回 恵比寿映像祭 ラウンジトーク
東京都写真美術館 学芸員 伊藤貴弘 x 三田村光土里

©midori mitamura

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